Change IP classes.. question...

Next week I will change the IP classes in my network (about 40 clients and 2 servers).
Of course the Server’s ip of ADNM console will change.

What are the effects on Avast Clients and Avast Console?
What is the best solution for this change?



In fact ADNM should accomodate this change seemlessly.

But I’m glad you’ll try it! I’m curious about the results. :slight_smile:

All works fine after change of IP classes.

The clients works fine, but in ADNM Console I see the clients online with the old ip address… How I can refresh it?


Yes, that was a bug in the last released build. It has been already fixed and will be available in the next version.

BTW I think there’ll be no beta/rc version anymore – an official release is coming soon!