Change Subscription

Hi All*

We have a problem. We would like change the certificate in our Small Office Administration server. But we don"t take this action because We have no any button for this action in the “Admin/Subcription” menu point.

What can We do? Where Can We add the new license file?

Best Ragards,
Sandor Kalmanczi

Using avast what do you use at the office?

Dear dominic.tann,

We have a SOA ( Small Office Administration ) server on a Windows 2014 R2. This is the “central admin” service.

The clients are connecting here and we always manage computer with SOA.

Well. We was an old license but we bought a new license, and we can’t load up the license file to the SOA server because We have any button for this action. :frowning:

Best Regards,
Sandor Kalmanczi

Thank you for you link. I try use it but it isn’t working.

Please check it:

We have no any “Insert license” button.

Best Ragards,
Sandor Kalmanczi

Never knew it was possible to have 2 licenses at the same time…

I have asked someone with more knowledge about AEP to have a look at it for you.
That is all I can do for you at this point.
Please have some patience.

Dear Eddy,

Thank you for your help, We are waiting. If we can help to you with any other information please write us.

Best Regards,
Sandor Kalmanczi

Once you expand the drop-down, just press TAB to focus on the ‘Insert license file’ button (you will not see it, but it should do that), then press SPACE to click on the button and open the browse window.

Dear Avosec-UK,

Which button please?

We have no any button:

Best Regards,
Sandor Kalmanczi

As avosec said, you won’t see it.
Please try as he suggested.

Dear Eddy, Avosec-UK,

I didn’t understand the first time, what must I do.

I’m try at the moment.

Best Regards,
Sandor Kalmanczi

You don’t see it, because of the numerous subscription that you have got on the license, but it should be there.

Just follow the instructions. Alternatively, try to Zoom-Out the page and see if it will expand further.

Dear Avosec-UK and Eddy,

Tip of Avosec-UK has been worked. I inserted the new license file.
Thank you for your quick help. Our SOA is working fine at the moment.

Very thank you for your helps.

Best Regards,
Sandor Kalmanczi

You’re welcome.