We did a network upgrade and moved all of our IP addresses from the 192.168.0.x range to the 10.x.x.x range.
Now all of the computers are black in the catalog. Their IP address is changed and listed correctly, but they are not communicating with the server.
In the communication section of the parent properties (Computer Catalog) I changed the AMS address from the old IP to the name of the server. How do I know get this info pushed to all the clients?
can you check any logfile on the clients
by any chance that the firewall popped on with changing the ip or that the ports u might have opened for avast are closed again?
the system should work as follows (which it did for me)
AMS has ip, client checks ip.
AMS and clients change ip, setting in AMS is changed after the ip change, clients cant find the old ip since that is in their setting and check network first for another AMS which should be found on the new ip, if that doesnt happen (firewalled?) they reside to internet.
maybe its as simpel as the firewall…