I have Avast Endpoint Protection 8.0.1490 on 13 computers with Avast Small Office Administration managing them. The specific computer I will be using for the purposes of this post is a Windows 7 Pro 32 bit machine, but there are others that are XP Pro that are exhibiting the same behavior. If I open the GUI, go to Settings, then Global Exclusions, I can add directories that I want excluded, but after closing and then reopening the GUI what I added has disappeared. Same thing happens if I turn off the AutoSandbox feature. Close and reopen the GUI and it is back on. Seems to also be the case with Exclusions lists for individual shield settings. Any ideas?
Tried running as administrator. Checked permissions on folders. Various other things. Nothing is working. How about this. Are the settings by any chance an editable text file? This issue must be fixed or I need my money back on 3 year licenses for 13 machines. Anyone???
When you closed the GUI, you closed it by clicking…?
(I’m sorry if this sounds rude. Just trying to help.)
Not rude at all. Thanks for replying. I have tried several methods. In the interest of accuracy I just tried again. I click the avast icon by the clock, enter the password, GUI opens. Click Settings (upper right of window), enter password again, and a settings window opens. Click Global exceptions on the left. No exceptions shown. Click the Add button. Click Browse to add a folder. Browse to C:\SomeFolder. Click Ok. C:\SomeFolder* added to exceptions as expected. At this point I have tried both clicking Add or not clicking it before clicking Ok on the settings window to close that and be back at the main GUI window. At this point I only have the Minimize and Close window buttons so I click the Close window button (the X). It does seem to keep the setting for a brief time. It seems to vary, but somewhere within 1-5 minutes it will revert back to not having any exceptions shown, but if I go back in before that time frame it still shows the changes that I made.
This is not a domain network so domain policies shouldn’t be involved at all. Just mention it because it would be my first idea.
You will get better help in the business board.