Hi im a newbie here and really not a techie person. I have installed avast free mobile security on my s3 mini, and i have fixed setting there. However my husband and i switched phones. And now he’s having problems becs of the app. He also received a message tbat the phone will be blocked because a different sim has been inserted. He is out of the country now. Pls help!
- open anti theft with the “old” sim card installed
- deactivate anti theft
- change sim card
- open anti theft again to add the new sim card to the trusted sim cards list
- reactivate anti theft
Thanks however my hubby has the phone and i have the sim. He is out of the country
This is the only way I know.
Could be there is another way though, but I don’t know.
Perhaps someone else knows.
Have patience and see if someone else responds.
Actually yo do not need the SIM card in the phone - you need to open antitheft (insert PIN if needed), go to settings and tap “Clear SIM list”. You will be asked for deleting the list of SIM cards, press yes. Now only yours husband’s SIM is at the trusted list, so you will not be receiving the messages about changed SIM card.