Changes To Avast Orange Ball

Right now when you mouseover the Avast orange ball and your system is secure it says “avast! Antivirus: Your system is secured”

What do you think about adding to what you see when you mouseover the Avast orange ball?

I would like to see the “Program Release Number” and the “Virus Definition Number” added to the mouseover so that I don’t have to click the orange ball and then “Subscription Information” to see them. It seems to me that Avast could squeeze a second line of information to orange ball mouseover.

What do you guys/gals think?

Hi Nesivos,

Yep ! Nice initiative; this will save time.


I’ve always liked mouseover info such as version and database date :slight_smile:

It isn’t something that I’m overly concerned or interested in as I don’t need to know the avast version or virus database version.

All I need to know is that it is working and up to date, that is essentially covered by the tray icon. You will see the avast icon or with either a Red circle and white cross over it or a Yellow Triangle with Exclamation mark over it. If I see either of these then I would be looking inside the UI for more detailed information.

I have SAS Pro which does have this info in the tooltip info, but the times I have bothered even looking (example for this post) I could probably count on one hand.

Would make more sense for the gadget so that the big orange rotating logo does not feel lonely in the large variant. ;D

Well… I’d like the suggestion.
The static text goes nowhere.
If we could, more info in the mouse over will be good.

Yeah, that would be okay, but the tooltip info is dynamic don’t forget. When a shield is disabled the tooltip information changes to reflect this.

MBAM paid shows both version information and Database version information.

i voted for both, ive hoped for something like this for a while

I also voted for both… ;D


I think the ball should be blue like it was a long time ago. As for the mouseover, as long as it works I don’t care what it says. Maybe “Why are you wasting time doing this-System Secured”

i voted “neither” because i like the current message as it is short and clear

Not going to happen, if you had been around the forums over a year ago when the avast icon changed colour. Then you would know it was done for two reasons, mainly that it was like another corporate icon (to ensure no trademark issues) and to match with the new avast corporate colour scheme in the upcoming avast corporate website colour scheme.

I want something nearly, but distantly different than what the poll says. I would like to see this:

avast!: Your system is secured.
Shields: All on
Definitions: Good
Program: Good

That’s what I would like to see.

Or even:

avast!: Your system is secured.
Shields: All on
Definitions: Good
Program: Good
Weather: Not bad for this time of year
Pollution Levels: atrocious…
Life expectancy: pretty dire if you don’t get out more
Dinner: still in the freezer…waiting to be microwaved
Wife: oh yeah…sh*t!
Grass: still needs mowing (sticky note from wife)
Face: one more day’s growth won’t make a bit of difference…


Well really, who is going to move the mouse over a tiny icon in tray to look at such stuff? ???

As I said earlier with no response - people wanted the Vista/7 gadget, make the rotating avast! logo smaller and stick the suggested info there.

What’s wrong with just opening the GUI? The GUI has all that info anyway. I didn’t know “double clicking” took that much work! :slight_smile:

then you also must click “maintenance”.
But really this won’t be useless…

Avast! your system is secured
VPS: 110319-0
(Definitions: 2 665 014)

Nice Poll
Voted ‘Both’ 8)