Changing computer

I’ve been havin nothing but trouble with this desktop lately so tomorrow I’m having a new one installed. I only upgraded to the avast pro version a couple of weeks ago and have saved the licence key to CD but I don’t really know how I go about transferring my anti virus to my new computer.

Any advice please

thumb stick it to move the thing you want to outher Computer

Thanks for reply Cawsking. I confess to being a complete technophobe so don’t really know what you mean by thumb stick it.

What I’m getting at is will avast think that someone has made an illegal copy and block the licence key. I assume it knows the computer ID of this computer. I only paid for it recently so obviously I don’t want to lose my upgrade.

I’m completely new to this Forum and the Support Centre so I don’t really know how to go about things

USB for the win.

That what he mean. I guess.

Otherwise if u dont got USB then u can send the license file via to yourself in your email client and then on your another pc then you download it and save it to our pc in a safe place.

There’s a notification when I go to the avast screen that I have 30 days free support from their partner iYogi but the phone number begins 808 which I don’t recognise and don’t know if this is a premium rate international number so I’m dubious about ringing in case it turns out to be a “free” service that costs £1 per minute.

Mr. Agent
Just noted your reply. I have the licence on CD so I can upload it into my new computer but it brings me back to the question whether it will be recognised as a valid key. It’s only licenced for 1 computer so can I get it cancelled for one to reactivate on another