changing devices

Hello Forum chatters. I’m new to this site and have a simple question, I’m sure.
I am purchasing a new lap top and want to transfer my licence to it. How do I do this?
Thanks, Dave

  1. Uninstall on old system.
  2. Reinstall on new system.
  3. Enter license.
  4. Reboot

When you login on the new device all your old devices will come up as well as your subscription because they are all synced with the same account. Very useful if you have Advast! on multiple computers

Licenses are attached to your account. You can find them and download them in the Licenses section of
Your devices should appear in the Devices list once you register from Avast.

In the future we would like to introduce a simple way to to assign license to a device from the portal, but as of now, you have to download the license and insert it to your new installation manually.

If you install new Avast 2015, go to Account section and you should see all your available licenses. Just select the one you want and press “Use license” button.

Hello to everybody!
I’ve changed a sim card in my smart-phone. From that moment it started to send me sms and emails that a sim had been changed. I found that it costs! How to approve this change and stop sending this stuff&? (Changing a SIM card)