changing profile

I can’t seem to change information in my profile sig, when I click the map and click change profile I get and error message to go back. whats the problem?

It seems to me you are doing this back to front, first click the Profile button at the top of the page, here you can change your profile information. If you wanted to change any Map info you would do that from within the Profile settings rather than the other way round.

Thanks DavidR, I 'm trying to change some info in my sig, first I click the profile button then it shows modify profile and then signature and at the bottom is a map and the bottom says change profile and when I click it I get this “An Error Has Occurred!”
You must select the country that you visit us from

It would be handy to know what it is you want to change or I’m just guessing.

When you get into the profile settings on the left there is Forum Profile Information, that is where you need to be (assume you are as that is where the map bit is) if you just want your country flag, the Please select your country: field is what needs to be input.

Thanks, got it, change a few security programs and wanted to note that in my sig

You’re welcome.