I am having trouble changing my skin. When I go to menu and click on it nothing happens. It isn’t even highlighted to click on. I even tried to download one and I couldn’t get that to work either. anyone have an answer?
Do you mean you right click the skin and can’t change it?
Did you just start avast! and can’t change the skin?
Which skin are you using now?
Did you go to skin download page, download another one, double click the downloaded file? What happens?
This thread will go into oblivion and still no reply from the one who started it… how possibly we could help someone, when he doesn’t cooperates ? Wee need some more info, so we can try to solve this one…
In case you solved it yourself, and you don’t have that problem anymore… since you started it, it would be so nice to share it with us, so your advice can help some other unhappy users with similar problem. That’s how these forums work.
Thanks in advance !
C’mon… won’t you come back after asking for help?