cheathappens trainer/avast issue this only happens with 1 trainer/game

ok this only happenes with the 1 trainner for 1 game when avast free is turnned on
so when using the latest upto date copy of a trainer for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel TRAINER i get windows cannot find c:\users\pcname\appdata\temp\ch_temp.temp" i’m running win 7 64bit with IE8 and it was until last night using the orignal retail (dvd) copy of the game and the 1st trainer and it was working fine now have the full game inc dlc (early xmas prezzy) i only get this problem when avast is running i posted the problem on the CH board and got this responce

Please disable/uninstall all antivirus, firewall and other security software including browser addons and extensions. Right click “Run as Administrator” on trainer and game. Please note that some security products may still block access to trainer injection even when disabled and must be completely uninstalled. If this is the case, please contact the product vendor for instruction on the proper way to prevent the trainers from being blocked by their software or find a better alternative.

and yes when avast is turnned off trainer works fine
also i have a normal exclusion folder that all trainers go in to and and are run from and it’s not on my C drive there isnt a problem with them running and c:\users\pcname\appdata\temp\ch_temp.temp dosnt exsist and neaver has so seems to be a problem between the 2 i’m looking for a way to fix this issue so i can keep avast running wile playing the game&using the trainer

So they are saying “Hé, if you want to use our product, put your system at risk” >:(
They should change their software so it will work with all (major) av’s i.m.h.o.

What exact OS/SP ?
What exact version of avast ?
Any other security (related) software installed ? (or was there)
What part of avast seems to be the problem ? (webshield, fileshield, deepscreen or…)

And IE 8 ?
Seems that you don’t have your system up-to-date which can cause serious problems.
You should have IE 11.

ie 8 is because the trainers wont work if ie9+ is installed but i dont use Windows Internet Explorer anyway i use firefox or chrome and avast vershion 11.1.2245 no other security or program issues the problem seems to be with fileshield

have you tested the file at ?

ie 8 is because the trainers wont work if ie9+
Another good reason for them to change their software.

most anti virses give trainers a false positive due to their nature thats why i have a normal exclusion folder that isnt scanned or seen by avast hence it’s not setting off the virsus alarm it’s a problem with the fileshield and looking for a file that dose not exsit and never has

You have to be extremely careful with cheathappens trainer files because they can create a backdoor getting inside your PC without you’re permission while you’re playing a game together with the trainer file, and this is why all anti-virus companies are trying to warn people about any kind of trainer files. Any way just remember THIS it your computer and it you’re problem, and if you don’t learn to take this security advise seriously enough like I said it you’re problem and it your PC.