I was just playing CounterStrike - Source when all the sudden my PC (which is not that weak) starts trashing on HDD like nuts,everything starts to work like with 4 frames per second,i look at box and HDD is blinking like nuts. Had no clue until i saw blue box moving down through full screen game. Then i knew what was the reason for that trashing. Can you fix this because it’s very annoying that the VPS popup interups full screen games.
I remember having seen another trhread with the solution.
Think it was disabling the popup notification (or something like that).
You can also set Windows to let applications not to steal focus.
That should also work.
I know that works,but then whats the meaning of the Full screen checking option?
I want to see popups when working on desktop,but not being disturbed while working in full screen apps or games.
As far I know this should be the behavior: avast! should detect if any full screen application is active and disable the messages.
When the user is on normal view, the messages will be shown :
Yes in theory,but my case proved that it doesn’t work that well…
I got popup through full screen game viewport…
This has also happened to mw while I was playing a full screen game. Effects just as RejZoR described.
Hmm, that’s bad. Unfortunatelly, it’s not that simple to detect whether a full-screen game is running (i.e. it’s not such a simple feature you might think).
I know it’s hard to say, but do you think it doesn’t work at all for you, or it only sometimes fails? (I don’t know how often you are playing… do you think that it already worked a few times?)
By the way, what exactly does it mean “saw blue box moving down through full screen game”? I mean - did it behave exactly the same as previously (when this option wasn’t there?) The hard disk activity could have been caused by the VPS update itself…
What is the version of your DirectX / OS?
Well before i saw it moving up and then down. This time it just strated trashing HDD real bad (no popup yet!). I became very angry because such slowdowns aren’t too good when playing online in such fast game as CS:S,but then the sliding popup moved down and i was able to see it flashing through the display of the game.
It’s hard to test because you can’t simulate those popups unless you release VPS update. But happened few times now exactly in CS:S.
Not sure for other games because i don’t know if there was any update while i was plaing them. But if you can check for full screen apps using process names you can add “hl2.exe” to an exclusion. So while “hl2.exe” process is active it shouldn’t popup those boxes.
Is there a way to simultate it, Igor?
I’m afraid I don’t know any easy way… :-\ Maybe something like installing an older version, possibly with network cable unplugged, and then plugging it in and letting it download the VPS update… but that’s certainly not very nice.
Nice avatar, btw.
I noticed the same problem. While I was playing GTA:Vice City today the computer started to think a lot and after that I saw the box flashing and I heard the sound about the VPS update ???
So, has anything changed since the last version, or is the behavior exactly the same as before?
Oh, and you do have the option checked, right? (it’s not checked by default)
What do you mean with changed since last version?
I don’t usually play games, so I can’t say anything about before. I play games very rare.
This happened today.
Well this may happened before but I’m not the only one who uses this PC, I must ask the others.
Yes I have checked the option
Me too (doublechecked it just now). Basically it’s the same. Ok,now its even writing/reading something real bad to/from HDD. Before it was just distrupting the screen and framerate dropped. Now the framerate drops and HDD is trahsing. SO technically it got even worse,but basically its pretty much the same.
Well as about the time when the VPS updates: Everytime when avast! is installing the VPS update my PC hangs for a few seconds, even my winamp stops playing, but I tough that it’s normal.
Actually i was whining about updates for a long time…
Incrimental system works great i admit it,but there is always that mouse cursor changing to sandclock just before update and looks like program gives max priority to updating. So i exactly know when update will be installed.
For example Kaspersky or NOD32 never gave those signals before update was applied (signature update of course) so it’s perfectly invisible to use (even if you totaly disable all popups). Same goes for AVG. Is there any way to make it a bit mor relaxed and not visible to user? It just annoys me because of those symptoms i exactly know that i’ll get VPS update in next 2 seconds.
Exactly the same here!!!
Igor, isn’t there any way to completely abandon the “rising blue panel” with notifications ? Why not include something more simple… something that will not use that much of system resources when displayed. I also like to see those information displayed, and I would never ever disable pop-up notification… not even crossed my mind… but for sure, it would be great to have it a little less “agressive”. Maybe something like flashing Taskbar button or something similar, so when you click on it you’ll get full info, otherwise it would be hidden inside the taskbar. I mean, we all know that animations uses a lot of resources, so I believe that animation just makes that problem even bigger.
Regards !
The display of the blue panel doesn’t have anything to do with “resource usage” (or rather, CPU load) - that’s caused by the update itself (which checks its files on disk to see what should be downloaded). The animation is not “agressive” - it may switch full-screen applications into window since it shows a window on desktop - but it doesn’t really use much resources.
OK, but still it slows down the process in general. It’s animation after all and when I’m doing animations I know that they can considerably slow down some other processes. Not everyone has latest models of video cards nor fast computers… there are still some people working on slow machines. That’s the only reason I mentioned that. I don’t play video games (at least not anymore, and I would like I play them, but as always lack of spare time…), so I don’t have those problems they mentioned above, and I have no clue how does that look when you’re in the middle of something like ongoing game and updates slows down everything… I just never experienced something like that, but I know that animation can slow down some other processes on the screen if you don’t have some decent video card installed.
Ok, it’s quite enough if that happens when animation enters in… people who are in the middle of something using full screen won’t be to happy when that happens… so another reason, to avoid that sliding panel and make something less “agressive”. By “agressive” I don’t mean anything like it’s killing our processors, but something that will not be that noticeable on the screen and most important, that will not enter the screen in windowed mode… maybe something like taskbar notification or something…