Check your javascript against online javascript lint

Hi malware fighters,

Coding in javascript, check it against online javascript lint, works similar to the javascript engine in the Firefox browser. Here is the link:



Thanks Polonus, nice one. How did you come across it?

Hi Zagor,

While checking the Javascript files I added to my Flock browser version, I use it. It was advised in a thesis on insecure code. Nice to have it,



Yes it surely is nice to have another tool. Can’t hurt :wink: I used in the past some tools but additional help is needed. Speaking of coding in general, if no one have mentioned before I would like to suggest something.

Anyone who uses Firefox browser and is learning html, xhtml, css (even a beginner) should consider Web Developer Toolbar extension for Firefox. This tool just saves lives. Excellent peace of work. Great helper for making a standards compliant web code.