Hi forum friends,
Whenever I venture out to click a link to a site on the world wide web I have never visited/seen before, I perform a pre-check. On the Google Search page I saw that WOT came up with a red for trustworthiness. That was enough to check further: hxtp://zulu.zscaler.com/submission/show/992221982db7f3c4b70aea6fa2270118-1330958580 benign 50/100
urlQuery has issues with this site and the verdict there is suspicious: htxp://urlquery.net/report.php?id=28113 Then I checked at sucuri: htxp://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/http://www.pittig.nl/ there I found a warning for an outdated Word Press version, that needs to be upgraded.
Application: WordPress 3.2.1 - hxtp://www.wordpress.org,
This would mean that while the site is actually clean it is vulnerable via this outdated software.
Websites uses cookies without P3P preferences.
The server gives away that dynamical content is being generated via the “X-Powered-By” HTTP Header", this header should be removed.
It would be great if webmasters that use third party software on their sites would make the simple checks I did.
This to make sure, that those that visit their sites could feel a bit more secure,