China's overall site security situation has greatly improved...

Hi malware fighters,

Citing here from a recent KNOWNSEC report (source 《中国互联网网络安全报告(2009年)》全文网址:)

In recent years, the rapid development of China’s Internet and magnitude, the majority of Internet users and website managers’ lack of knowledge on security issues, provided hackers with an opportunity for invasive attacks, many times a visit to a website could result in a redirection to get a trojan horse infection.

More serious damage to sites went hand in hand with the reputation of web sites and access of users to these sites have resulted in huge losses. Along with the growing importance of Internet security, in the departments of effective supervision, China’s Internet security situation has been greatly improved. “Report” shows that since October 2009, the rate of websites redirecting to a trojan horse dropped significantly.

In January 2009 the websites still redirected to 28,654 trojans…
They also report on an important recent issue with Malaysian DNS-cache-poisoning malcode links…


The improvement is certainly good news. :slight_smile:

Hi Chinese malware fighters,

Here the Chinese version for unmasked parasites, example:
So if you add /&hl=zh-cn you can translate our unmasked parasites links on the fly, like:
