i updated to chrome 12.0.742.53 and now the avast webrep stays grey on all sites any ideas?
Don’t use a beta version of Chrome would be my suggestion.
just tried out ie9 and its dead there to
It;s been grey on chrome 11 here all evening too - so your beta trial is maybe just a coincidence?
Servers must be down again then. I don’t use the WebRep so can’t tell when it’s not working.
glad the problem is on their side and not mine ;D
Well the webrep servers appear to be working for me right now, but I’m not using Chrome or IE9.
Doesn’t seem browser related - it’s not working here in FF, IE or Chrome. Must be local servers I guess.
Hi DavidR,
Not working for me either, Google Chrome, Firefox 4,
Lucky me then. But not so lucky now, down for me too
Same here i have uninstalled WebRep for now cause it slowed IE9 down a lot.