Chrome advises the removal of Avast

This is the message I got on startup today.

Update or remove incompatible applications
To ensure that you can keep browsing the web, ask your administrator to remove this application.
Avast Free Antivirus

Sounds fishy, please post a screenshot.

Thanks Pondus, guess it’s time to stop recommending Chrome then. :wink:

Anything from Google is cancer anyway. Why people use Chrome in the first place? It’s not even a good browser… But everyone just lust for it coz it’s made by Google. Even Google can make garbage and they make plenty of it.

You would think that avast would stop promoting it during installations :stuck_out_tongue:

That post Pondus gave is almost a month old, haven’t seen anything about a fix from Avast yet. Not that this has any effect on me as I won’t install Chrome either. Ironic, Avast user does a default installation of Avast and ends up with Google Chrome installed, only for it to recommend uninstalling Avast :wink:

And that is what I did :wink:

Use the Avast Secure Browser. :slight_smile: I’ve never seen that message while using it as my default.

Hi m4mepo,
can you please make a screenshot of chrome conflict list and past it here.
To see the list type chrome://conflicts into chrome as url.
Thank you

This is very interesting

Thanks for sharing the link.

Pedro Bustamante, Vice President Products & Research at Malwarebytes, told BleepingComputer that Chrome is not actually checking whether a listed incompatible app is causing the crash. Instead they use a blacklist and simply check if those programs are installed, and if they are, list them after a crash. :o