I’ve recently discovered that my Chrome occasionally download wrong files, so far jpegs, rars and zips. When i turn off Avast, everything is alright, with Firefox even when Avast is active. At jpegs it usually help to shift+refresh but it doesn’t work when im downloading a compressed file.
What should i do?
To makes things more clear for people that might also want to help, you are saying that sometimes the files you download are somehow corrupted ?
Are you using the latest build of avast ?
What other “security” software are you running in background.
Does this happen only when avast’s webshield is ON ?
Yes, latest, 5.0.594.
Outpost Firewall, but i got the same problem till i don’t turn Avast off. and it happens occasionally, one rar file is corrupted from yesterday, but didn’t see any problems now with jpegs. (since 2 days) and it’s only with Chrome, i can’t reproduce this under Firefox, no problem with other browsers.
I suggest, for troubleshooting, to disable webshield and see for a few days how that goes. If corruption still occurs it might not be avast and maybe sometimes Chrome writes to a disk area that has a bit of a problem.
By the way, what version of Chrome are you using ? I ask because I use the latest beta, well I’ve been running the beta chrome for a while and so far I have seen no problems with corrupted files.
So you got a corrupted file while webshield was disabled ?
Tell you one thing that happened to me one day. I was playing with samples of a virus, I clicked on the download link and the file was caught by Avast’s webshield, however, to my surprise, when I looked in my “quarantine” folder (mind you, not AV’s quarantine), there was the file. It was a zip file with the exe inside, so I decided to open it with winzip. Winzip said it was corrupted.
It’s definitely something the avast team should look at but I believe there may also be something about the way Chrome saves files, which, from what I have seen goes like this, Chrome creates the empty file X (maybe padded with zeros or whatever ) and then, as the “content” of the file is downloaded, it saves it in the “container” file X until the transfer is finished. IE does create such a file in temp folder and then, when download is finished it copies it to the destination folder.
On the other hand, you could run HDtune on your HDD and make sure everything is alright with it.