Chrome Security

As much as I love Chrome it lacks certain additions that Firefox has and the only reason I use it is cause Firefox is simply less stable. One of my favorite things in Firefox being the addition of No-Script (Which made me feel a lot more safe) Chrome on the other hand is a lot harder to trust (Due to the fact anyone could make a false copy of an actual product and riddle it with malicious content) so Forum users of Avast I need to know is there anything for Chrome that runs like No-Script and we know actually works? I currently have Javascript disabled unless I personally clear a site however this doesn’t allow me to clear individual scripts so if a site was ever taken over and a script was injected I would be in serious trouble (and have to re-live the experience that made me so paranoid). So in a nutshell is there anything the Avast Forum trusts for Chrome that allows the Javascript blocking like Firefox? Or should I just go back to using Firefox and just deal with the problems?


Actually there is an extension called NotScripts.

It works like NoScript.
The Installation is a bit tricky, but then it works. There are Instructions on the internet how to do that. :wink:

And also there is ScriptSafe.

But i havent tested these personally.

ScriptSafe has incorporated NotScripts. Using two is overkill.
I use this Google Chrome extension in combination with Better Pop Up Blocker,


Good combination Damian.:slight_smile:

There’s “scriptno” :slight_smile:

The name has been changed to ScriptSafe. :slight_smile:

Apologies to jump on a rather old topic …

I wanted to get the ‘Better Pop-up Blocker’ extension too for my Chrome browser. Unfortunately, this link that was posted for it in the Avast! forums no longer seems to work.

Anyone know any other good pop-up blocker extension for Chrome?

Ive been using Poper Blocker and its worked well for me. Heres the download link: