The difference is obvious. 8 is newer more up to date and 7.2.1 is outdated.
You wouldn’t us an old version of avast! why use an old version of any other software ???
Taking a long time to scan tells you that it’s going through everything and it does it’s job properly. I don’t wanna see an antivirus that will scan my 240 Gb hard drives in just 5 seconds. That would tell me something is realy wrong and it’s not scanning properly…
I’m using bitdefender 7.2 because it is free and it still has database updates.You say it’s outdated-why.If I use the current virus definitions and don’t use the program for on-access scanning I don’t need another version.I though v.8 isn’t free. ??? Edit:Now I see there is v8 for free and only on-demand scanning.OK.How do I upgrade.Maybe i must uninstall version 7.2 or just install v8 free on the top.
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
I installed version 8 and never ever had any other previous version of BitDefender on my system… so, it’s a standalone installation, you don’t need anything else installed prior installing version 8.
Quote by Neron:
I'm using bitdefender 7.2 because it is free and it still has database updates.You say it's outdated-why.If I use the current virus definitions and don't use the program for on-access scanning I don't need another version.
Latest Virus definitions are not the only thing why you can say you are safe… there are some program patches as well… that’s why we have avast! VPS updates, as well as avast! program updates.
They found something in old versions that needed to be fixed… and they fixed it… so it’s better to use latest versions. You can always check what are those changes in program change logs…
I know that it’s standalone installation but for example skype is standalone installation too and i installed the new version over the old one and everything is OK.That’s why I’m asking if i can install this version over the old one.I really think it’s better to uninstall the old one but better asking before taking any actions
I’m still waiting someone who used the old version 7.2 to tell me how to upgrade.
Thank you! 8)
I have been reading what people on this forum has to say about ClamWin non resident scanner
I have downloaded it and will install at a latter date.
just curious do they use Incremental updates as i am on dial up
Plus should i allow it to install the add-on to my mail
Microsoft outlook"as i use avast to scan it now.
I tried to find answers to these sorry if they have been answered by anyone else.
Cheers crofty59
ClamWin uses the database from the linux based ClamAV. There is one large Main database file which is about 1.5MB - 2MB, and a Daily update which is a few hundred KBs.
You can have it scan your outlook mail, it doesn’t clash with avast!. It does however slow down outlook as each message is scanned by two scanners when one is opened.
I’ve already uninstalled v.7.2 first and then installed v.8
No problems.The new look is very cool and the sheduler with “low priority” function is very useful.
Thank you for the replyes.Now I know how to upgrade to newer version but ther’s one thing I don’t understand
Bitdefender free 8 expires on 3/12/2006
When it expires how to re register.In the help file you can find this:
For BitDefender 8 Free Edition you do not have a registration process.