Yes, that is right - but sometimes if you see no action from the other side, you have to do it yourself. We are not the first AV who detects their signatures - but nothing happens. Someone may think this was a false positive - no, it wasn’t but life after the fix is much easier
without many ppl writing about this issue .
Best Regards
As usual, Alwil support one step forward 
Agree, Alwil (avast!) is doing much better than every other AV companies, even better than those companies that win the test results between AV.
Alwil never leave problems and say it’s windows problem or other programs conflict or other programs bug or such as, Alwil always works best that they can.
some example of poor programing in other AV companies:
they don’t fix their program and keep saying it’s Windows problem, but if it’s windows problem why none of other AV programs around the world, none of other antispywares (even poor programmed anrispywares) have that problem that I said in that link. it’s not their first problem which has not been fixed after 2-3 years…
Thanks Alwil Team for great works!! your support is Number1 between all other companies!