Clean / Repair Function in avast6

haven’t used avast 6 yet, waiting the bugs fixed, but does the repair/clean function improve in avast 6?

as i had a computer infected with w32.virut(vitro) and the latest avast 5 unable to repair any file. which is disappointing considering the virus massively infect almost all the exe

installed symantec, and it repair almost all the file (some are failed due the virut bug)

same thing happen when my other computer got infected with sality, avast unable to clean/repair the file, but the other antivirus repair the file wonderful


With both of those file infectors any “repairs” done by an AV are in reality not to good as the system will remain buggy as some system files will be damaged. This is the one case where prevention is better than cure. If I had either of those on my system I would go for a full wipe

Such system can no more be trusted and needs to be reinstalled from scratch, not “repaired”.
