Clean Up stoped Windows 10 start button.

So tried unistall-reinstall, nada. Not very happy at all, I pay good money and expect a good product. Any ideas what I can do about this problem would be much apreciated.

More details. What problem?

Also read here:

I had exactly the same problem. Run Clean Up on Windows 10 and Start button became unresponsive. I was not able to open it at all. In the end I had to reinstall Windows 10! Waste of money in my opinion.
Some people recommended this method to get Start working again:
I did use it and was able to get into Start but tiles previews were broken, hence clean reinstall.
I hope support will look into it. Maybe Clean Up cleans something that is needed in Windows 10?

I had to stop the automatic “cleanup” after I installed Windows10, because I realized that it stopped the functioning of a couple of the “apps”, and the stop button every time it ran. I successfully reinstated them by following the instructions given on the window 10 forum, but it became a pain. I even made a Word copy of the instructions - I tired of typing in the instructions at the administrative “C” prompt each time I needed to restore the apps. Hopefully a newer version of cleanup will be forthcoming - otherwise I would recommend not using it. Mine just renewed, but if it is not updated soon, I will be forced to “turn off” the automatic renewals.

I’ve had exactly the same problem! Am so hacked off about it but have uninstalled avast and will NEVER use it again, especially as avast help have never bothered to reply to my email asking for help and it’s been a week now.

Can anyone help me on here? I uninstalled avast and now my system is working well, no issues with web pages not loading or taking over 90 seconds each to load, if there is an image or video/ad on it. Fab.

But the menu is still a white box with just a list of writing, and I have no idea where any programmes are like Microsoft Office, or even the basic accessories like the calculator - I want all of these restored back to how it was when I first upgraded to Windows10.

I re-installed Windows10 yesterday but the menu is not restored - why is this and should I uninstall Windows10 before re-installing?

Any help would be amazing as I am gutted to say the least at how I have ended up in this situation, with a system that was fine (apart from coming up with ‘low memory’ warnings from Windows10) before I touched the evil avast cleanup.

Thanks for anything you can suggest (I have minimal IT knowledge so need basic instructions lol!).

Try this:

Method 2 worked for me. No need to reinstall windows 10 or even restart your computer!