Clean your traces on the internet

This is a little program to delete your tracks on the net.
Polonus gives this code which you can paste in notepad, and you should save as a “cmd” file.

@echo off

del /s /q “%temp%*."
del /s /q "%windir%\Temp*.

del /s /q “%windir%\Downloaded Installations*."
del /s /q "%userprofile%\UserData*.

del /s /q “%userprofile%\Recent*."
del /s /q "%userprofile%\Local Setting\Temporary Internet Files*.


Paste the text in between ------- in notepad and save it as cleanmytraces.cmd" on your desktop. To run it just doubleclick it.



Take care, as far I’ve noticed, new Windows Update version 6 use this folder… :-\ :-* :cry: