Cleaning out Trojans - need advice!

I have a recurring message that says: “A Trojan Horse has been found” on start-up - with the advice to “move it to chest,” which I have done each time the message appears.

Can I safely clean these out - which apparently re-occur every time I log in?

The names are these: NAIUPD.000 - virus is WIN32:StartPage
WIN32:CIH-C (TRJ) (4 of these).

Other locations are: System Volume Information_Restore
and Canon Creative (photo editor).

Should I download Avast! Cleaner, then disable the regular Avast! program before applying the Cleaner? (how?)

What about administrator access for the Cleaner (mentioned on the Avast! info page). How do I do that one?

And, can I safely use a firewall like ZoneAlarm in concert with Avast! - without interface problems?

Thank you!

Follow the instructions on THIS website.

If a virus is replicant (coming and coming again), you should:

  1. Enable/Disable System restore on Windows ME or Windows XP. System Restore cannot be disabled on Windows 9x and it’s not available in Windows 2k.

  2. Clean your temporary files. You can use the Windows Advanced Care features for that.

  3. Schedule a boot time scanning with avast. Start avast! > Right click the skin > Schedule a boot-time scanning. Select for scanning archives. Boot. Other option is scanning in SafeMode (repeatedly press F8 while booting).

  4. It will be good if you download, install, update and run other trojan remover tools: a-squared, Free AVG Antispyware or SUPERantispyware (trojan removers). Some users recommend Spyware Terminator.

  5. Use the immunization of [url=SpywareBlaster or, which is better, the Windows Advanced Care features of spyware/adware cleaning and removal.

If you have avast installed, you don’t need to download and use the Cleaner.

Are you using Windows XP? Go Control Panel > User Accounts and see if you are or not the computer Administrator.

Yes. ZoneAlarm (free) is compatible with avast :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: Hi :

 Better to use a program or 2 that is geared to detecting AND quarantining trojans, worms, etc,
 like the 30 day trial of AVG Antispyware from  AND/OR the FREE version of
"SUPERantispyware" from ?  The former is almost ALWAYS 
 recommended by Malware Experts when people come to them for help .

Ad-Aware and Spybot Search & Destroy are still worth a try, despite being out of fashion with some:

I would suspect that the detection in Canon Creative may well be a false positive:;action=display;threadid=7779