Clearing Cookies

One of my online sweepstakes went down today and the recommended course of action was to clear my cookies. This I am not versed in doing. Please assist me in knowing how.

You don’t say what browser you are using ?

But that should be easy to resolve in your Browser Settings function, look for History, or Options, etc. It is likely to be under Privacy, most will allow you to clear cookies, etc. on closing your browser or just clearing existing history. See attached example from Firefox.

If you clear history/cookies, etc. on closing your browser you may need to enter log-ons again unless you have saved them elsewhere.

A search on your topic subject Clearing Cookies should also help you, more so if you also include your browser in that search.

The easiest way is to use the Shortcut key combination of
Ctrl Shift Delete

Now you can just select what you want cleared.

Is that common to ‘all browsers’ as the OP hasn’t said what browser they are using ?

That’s pretty universal. Chrome, Chromium, Firefox, Edge, etc


The reason I asked is in Firefox I had a lot more options than those in your image.

My image was taken from using the shortcut keys in the Avast Secure Browser.
Try it in FF and see what you get. :slight_smile:

I did try it in FF which was why I said “I got a lot more options.” :wink:

Well if we want to split hairs, the topic was/is “Clearing Cookies.”