Client Problem with Self Protection Mode


we have a litte Problem on a Windows Server on our Network. We have deletet Avast but we cant reinstall it. When I take the deinstallation Tool from Avast, it says that the self protection mode is activatet. But I cant boot in Safe Mode, because of an Error. How can I remove this self Protection? Registry?

The Avast Software is deinstalled and the Programm Directory is deletet, but I can´t reinstall Avast because of this self protection Mode. Please help!


I’m afraid reinstallation or Safe Mode (or some kind of a bootable CD) is necessary.
What happens when you boot into the Safe Mode, or try to reinstall avast?

When I try to boot into Safe Mode, the Server restarts. When I try to reinstall Avast about the Management Tools, I get permission denied :frowning:

There are more Safe modes then one try other.
Some weeks ago I have solved problem with uninstallation Netserver client from ISA server. And the only way was run aswclear in safe mode.

Before you run aswclear, you must switch off self-defense mechanism. (right click on Avast systray icon, setting, section “problems solving” or similar). You can try to do this in normal mode, but I was not successful and must boot to safe mode.

To disable the self-defense mode, rght click the avast icon in the system tray,
select program settings
and then select troubleshooting
Tick disable avast self-defense module.
I think with this your headache will be solved

I my case, boot into Safe mode was necessary…(and then disable self-defense)