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It is used to identify your posts and for any reference. I also thought it was a mandatory input field.

If someone replies to one of your posts and quotes it there, is no Username.

oK I put another name it is white and everyone can click on it too This is it [ᅚ] Please allow it.

You’re welcome.

Concerning Deleting posts of other forum members without any reason.

My first and only post in board 23 I posted last year (contained ‘+1’ and ‘=Snake=’). It was deleted within 2 hours! Why?
Are only french members allowed to post there? Why can everybody post in board 2 (e.g. ‘chris05’)?

Adding a post just for the sake of posting without any real contribution really isn’t contributing to a topic.
If you have nothing constructive to add, simply bypass posting.
There aren’t any medals awarded for posting. :slight_smile:

Dear bob,

please be so kind as to tell that all your ‘Überevangelist’ kollegues, for I learned it from them!!!

Well I don’t know what has got under your skin, but this topic is taking twists and turns with no general theme. I’m calling it a day (last post) on this topic.


My hope didn’t come true! Since several years I noticed, what I didn’t like. But it seems so, that nobody is interested in solving errors like my screenshot shows.
If you’re sponsering s.th., you should avoid errors in translating, too!
Edit: tipo




I never tagged that “angemeldet bleiben”. The only time I felt we had a problem was when we had the forum data breach here.
Fortunately it was not plain txt data that was taken, all was rightly “salted”. But it can still be verified on “amipnewed”,
where I won’t check because you do not want to add to cybercrime’s database, and not much done about that,
because…(oh, you guess it right there: privacy protection rules (yes it is mainly protecting cybercriminals and malcreants)).
Once your mail address is out in the open it means scam, spam and junk coming your way and be aware not to ill-click.

Nice I could help you to cleanse a strain of adware/bloatware not so long ago,
You are welcome. Alles Gute,


For your information, just the info coming from Tracker SSL extension for this page at forum dot avast dot com:

Website has a security hole. 100% of the trackers on this site could be helping protect you from NSA snooping.

But, even though -avast.com uses HTTPS, there’s at least one third party that’s been communicating insecurely.

Tell -avast.com to fix it.

Identifiers | All Trackers
Insecure Identifiers
Unique IDs about your web browsing habits have been insecurely sent to third parties.

-ok2icrud9ng4kc9ia16c85euo3 forum.avast dot com phpsessid

Tracking IDs could be sent safely if this site was secure.

Tracking IDs do not support secure transmission.

On a sideline. PHP on this website not my favorite programming language by far.
Too many pitfalls, see some CMS having issues with it.


Posting in a year old topic really isn’t helpful. :slight_smile:

@polonus @bob3160

Sorry, but I didn’t meant it that way.

OT: Sometimes, when a cleaning run is active, it lasts and lasts and lasts and I saw the ‘the’ in the German
sentence of the window, where Google Chrome is recommended and thought, that somebody is able
to correct that. Nothing more. :-X