Cloud scanning + avast

There are a lot of threads about Cloud scanning. Generally, Immunet and Panda.
There is another player in the game. Comodo version 5.

The advantage of having a second opinion on-line (but not resident, i.e., compatible with avast).

avast passed some infections miserably…

why do I hate it so much when I read posts like that >>> not blaming you Tech, but that gets me worried about Avast…

Enjoy cloud scanning instead of hatting feelings :slight_smile:

Who in their right mind would download a keygen ???

well, I could always install Panda cloud…I did once, no system conflict occurred, but it’s still like having a second resident AV, which could lead to problems if **** happened, like both Avast and Panda would attempt to block the same infection at the same time and could neutralize each other.
I guess the solution you’re referring to would be to install CIS5 with no AV, as the cloud component can still be called if necessary by Def+

Well just looking at the VT results avast isn’t alone in not detecting it and it is in some pretty good company in detection ratings. Not to mention the greatest majority of those detections are generic.

However, the sample uploaded to VT being a \patch\keyge…, which in itself is suspect/higher risk of infection.

C’mon… Will you give avast credit for a missdetection?

Yes. CIS5 without the antivirus. Free sandbox, cloud scanning and HIPS.
If I remember correctly, Panda cloud conflicts with avast (at least, latest versions).

I know that… That’s why I leave the name of the file… But it does not change the fact that avast miss it.
By the way, already submitted by Chest. Hope they improve detection.

Don’t worry about avast…! At least not right now… :slight_smile:
The future (of avast) is near… ;D

Some do… :frowning:

yep, tens of thousands of kids do that every day, to run pirated games…what keygens are meant for, in the first place :slight_smile:

I’ve got that keygen deliberately downloading P2P cracked software.
Of course, I did not install neither the software nor used the keygen.
By the way, this thread was about cloud scanning and avast ;D

heh, not only kids… recently saw one adult downloading and cracking(with keygens) lots of software(pretty crappy one, too - stuff from iobit for example)

Altair, do not flood a thread about cloud scanning!
This is NOT a thread to discuss keygens/cracks.

I’m not gainsaying it is a missed detection - but we also need to get some education about downloading that type of programme

I just wanted to mention that such threats as the one related in this thread are very likely to be encountered by thousands of people. My goal was certainly not to discuss keygens here.

Of course. I did it for testing purposes.

By the way, does anybody knows how to download other samples missed by avast to test the CIS cloud scanning?
Of course, do not post live links to malware, or, better, send me an IM.

Detection is increasing… not avast (yet).