CNET User Opinions - 95% Give Avast Thumbs Up

I thought that our family here at Avast might like to know this. My weekly email from CNET contained the following -

[i]This Week’s Top Movers
Here are some of the fastest-rising downloads on our Most Popular list:

  1. Registry Mechanic - Wrenching up eight pegs to No. 17, this handy maintenance tool keeps your registry clean and your PC running smoothly.
  2. Yahoo Messenger - Stay close to friends and family with this instant-messaging app, as it chats up five spots to No. 21.
  3. Spyware Doctor - Healing systems of rampant malware infections, this adware scanner works its way up 10 spots to No. 25.
    4. Avast Home Edition - Protect your system from viruses, worms, and other pests with this free antivirus package, debuting at No. 47.
  4. Bazooka Adware and Spyware Scanner - Blasting its way into the top 50 at No. 48, this do-it-yourself adware-removal tool gives you the power to keep your system clear of malware and other uninvited guests.[/i]

At CNET’s site, CNET Users give Avast a 95% Thumbs Up and rave reviews at ;D ;D ;D

I noticed this too. :slight_smile: Thanks for posting.

Only 95%…we must be doing something wrong!


When I try to read the ‘negative’ posts of CNET I cannot find any with a reasonable explanation about the negative vote. Blames and fights, not a common sense.

The majority of the ‘negative’ votes come from users that do not know what they are really doing, people that do not come here to ask :stuck_out_tongue:

I read the “negative” posts and lol… some were complaining the avast! Home is NOT free. Said things like
“… but expires after 30 days. I hate that!”

“When I downloaded this software it said it was free but it is misleading. I guess the program is free and then when your trial of updates is up the program turns itself off. Can’t there be anything free out there and mean it?”

Then there were the ones that said AVG was much better.

“it only scans once.and it has an annoying pop-up that interfears w/ my other programs.and it missed some worms that AVG caught when i thew this out and installed AVG.if you want a good anti virus then AVG is the way to go.don’t waste your time downloading this trash.AVAST YOU SUCK!!!”

So so sad.

I also read the negative comments. There were three that said it froze their machine. Chances are, that was related to having Norton still on the system, ar remnants of it.


There were a ton of ones that said Avast! wasn’t free. You know 5% of the population can’t tell the difference between Home and Pro… :slight_smile:

Also having to license a free program confuses some folks. :-\


I do not understand your comments. Are you just quoting others, or are you agreeing with them?

I was just quoting them. I’ve never had a problem with avast! Home or Pro.

He is quoting I suppose… (Edit: he was faster than I ;D)

I start saying the negative comments are both non sense and non smart ones 8)
Before you post negative you must be sure that the negative is not yourself ;D

can’t wait with version 4.5 this increase to 98%

anyway gj Alwil

I think this will happen faster if we invite some ‘negative’ users to come here to forums and discuss their problems, receive help and become ‘positive’ ones 8)

Why not Technical bring the ‘negative’ users give them a warm welcome Avast forum

i suppose everyone here is one ‘negative’ user when we came here the 1st time ;D

CNET (as on most other similar sites) comments are anonymous, meaning there’s no way to contact anyone. We’ve tried that multiple times but it’s virtually impossible…

BTW it’s probably not a conincidence that avast! has such a good score - it’s partly because we’re actually encouraging our users to write some testimonials (see e.g. the left bar at ).


I actually voted on most of those sites ;D You migh find my comment under nick razor256 or RejZoR (huh its so long ago that i even changed my nick :wink: ) Also spreading good word about avast! everywhere its possible :slight_smile:

It is true to say that most of the bad reviews you read about Avast are by Users who download the free version and then find something does not work correctly first time, so they dump it straight away without asking others for any advice and give it a bad report. >:(

Here is a suggestion for the Avast team, how about including a direct link to this forum on one of the Avast pop up screens on the Free Home Edition! :smiley:

With all respect, the forum is just a 2nd-level support service. We provide direct mail/telephone support (even for Home Edition users - although this might change in the future because of the enormous growth of our user base) and there are direct links in the help file as well as in the program itself describing all the support options.