
I had a kernel Panic today and this (com.avast.ocs.kext.Avast) was one of the kexts loaded at the time of the panic. However I have removed avast from this system some time ago and this does not show in a spotlight search. I would like to suggest a uninstall script for Avast for Mac. Many programs include a script that can be run from the Terminal to complete the removal of the app. Can something similar be included in the next release of avast?

Hallo, this is the first time when we have reported kernel-level crash. Also, it’s strange, that the kext got loaded - when avast isn’t started, there’s nothing that will plug the kext in (please, make sure that there’s no avast installed and started automatically - check login items, check launchd), then reboot the computer, ansd under root account, issue “kextstat”. no avast’s extension should be loaded. if loaded, please check what brings the extension up (and from what location it comes - normaly, when there’s no avast in applications, there’s also no kext sub-directory).


Avast Was still listed in Login Items, but did not show when I ran kextstat. However it did show in the report after the kernel panic. I am going to email you the log from the Kernel panic. com.avast.ocs.kext.Avast 2.0.5 is listed under loaded kexts.