Command now has a Mac Version where is avast?

Command antivirus launched CSAV 4.9 for Mac. Now I now alwil has limited Manpower but if command relises the need for a mac version (rember command had no plans to make a Mac version either until now) so what about avast? Also rember command lost their top virus analyst to F-Secure recently

And there was me thinking that Mac’s were invulnerable to virus infection as they had such a small user base (not worth the effort for the script kiddies and expense for anti-virus companies) ;D ;D ;D

Viruses are pretty rare on macs but there are some out there. I honestly don’t think it would be a wise move for Avast! to make Mac anti virus though.

And there was me thinking that Mac's were invulnerable to virus infection as they had such a small user base (not worth the effort for the script kiddies and expense for anti-virus companies)
the problem lies in macro viruses. windows macro viruses can operate in the Mac version of Microsoft office and damage your word, excel, etc. files. other than them OS X has no viruses or trojans or worms in the wild.

Why doesn’t Mac make an Av program to protect it from those few viruses? ;D

Apple does not see the need to make an AV program because even thogh macroviruses can affect office files they cant actually infect the Mac OS X enviroment. as it is I use virex but it eats up a ton of RAM (im talking 45-60MB)

Maybe virex is a virus ;D