Commercial ads on Avast! ?

Tomorrow morning,when I opened The “On-Access Protection Control” menu,by right-clicking the icon on tray,I notified,to my horror,that there was a commercial ad tempting me to update to avast! Pro.

Is this temporary,or something permanent? I mean,lack of those “Tempting me to hack your software” ads was the main reason to choose avast in a first place.

When developers put those ads,and especially,chances to insert a code to make the software “Full” is giving an impression,that the software was never ment to use without “registration”,just to serve as a teaser.

I want that professional looking Avast! home edition back,without tempting me to warez your programs!!!

I believe the banner will stay in avast! 4.x - and I don’t think that one static banner is that annoying.
avast! 5 will be released quite soon, and it will look completely different.

As for getting a warez version… well, feel free to do whatever you need to, but you may be in for quite a surprise.

Hi Chrizze,

Welcome to the forum.

I have noticed the add as well but (like Igor) I find it non-obtrusive. Compared to other security programs that bug you with pop-ups this is nothing.

I fully agree with Igor’s comments about the warez version. You may not like the effects.


Yes, I know,I would not do warez,…they stop working anyway,and mess up my system,…but for a one banner,…It is kind of a annoying when you used to none. :smiley: would there be banner in version 5?

sometimes i wonder why people are shocked by 1 simple picture inside as static ad already empty intert interface space area
in free product trying to inform you about other paid product of the same company …

i think if it was just plain text ‘ad’ then people will complain too …

Well,the space was not “otherwise empty” that took space of it’s own… and because it is visual ad,it starts to degrade that professional feeling and looking,as if it is not ment to use anyway…without upgrading,as I mentioned before.Perhaps I was afraid,that this one ad is starting downward spiral,after which there would be more ads… And surely I am aware of other products of the same company… why not put exntensive ads to the installer,for an example…? But,please,don’t get too angry with me,I am a kind of perfectionist on some issues. :smiley:

Hi Chrizze,

You do not have to see it. Apparently you do not use Fx with ABP or yarip extensions or IE8 with the following bookmarklet:


Better make a point about Google and malverstising than lamenting about a legit banner that is not even third party and tweak your browser so you see the ads you want to see and block those you do not want to be confronted with,


Hmmm… what does A web browser has to do with this? I do use ABP,thank you. I don’t think that web browser engine is used to show an ads inside another program? I could be wrong,of course…

Hi Chrizze,

No, you are right, I thought it was on a website. But it is something you get using the scanner, well everybody does it, DrWebCureIt has it. ClamWin does not but that is open software off course.
You are right that it is something you do not like as a purist, some even had their websites completely ad-free like the late F.Ravia as a matter of principle. While avast home is a free spin-off of a commercial program advertising it is something else. If avast installed an additional toolbar not informing users that would be another issue, but this could be considered not that annoying. If you had to click it away every minute or so it would be nagware, and that it is not,


I like the idea. I think the existence of such a banner might gently twist the arms of small (or large) businesses who are using Avast Home free version in their place of business to save a few bucks. In other words, a way to help honest people stay honest :slight_smile:

I don’t know if it is possible, but, maybe, avast Home shouldn’t be avoided to run on Vista Business (for instance).

avast! Home runs on any Vista edition (Vista is not a server OS).

Just that HP and Dell sell computers to companies - like mine - with Vista Business edition.
I have it on my notebook used to work. I can’t have avast Home in my work computer, so, that’s the suggestion.

I just started using Avast! and this is my first post in this forum. Avast! is also my first try at a freeware antivirus program and compared with the incessant nagging you get with most commercial software, this is like heaven. If an ad or two helps generate business so this product can stay free, then I say more power to ya!

Hi norel and Welcome to the forum.

Your point is valid but the joke is that I’m not sure the ad is meant to generate profit per say. It’s placed in such an inconspicuous place that most users might not even see it more than once. I mean for 70% of the time I’m not even aware of Avast, until I get a blue pop-up informing me that the virus database has been updated. Ergo, not much of an ad.

The original wording of the ad bothered me, rather than the fact an ad was there, but it has been changed after a few forum users pointed out that the wording was um…less than ideal.
Doesn’t bother me at all, now.
There is no popup, no nag screen, the only sliding box is to do with program function.

This is harmless. And I hope it does generate a bit of extra revenue.

Agreed, The wording was the only thing thing that bothered me. Since that’s been changed, I have no problem with the ad.

This is my take on this:

Alwill is a commercial firm and need revenue.
Wihout revenue no free home version either.

In addition to that I see it once a week or two on my machines.
It doesn’t bother me at all.

If anybody find it intrusive in any way, why not do as the ‘ad’ says: Upgrade to pro version of Avast!

The trend nowadays is software with opt-out ‘gifts’ that follow the installation and many don’t discover
it before after installation which is in no way good.


I agree with Norel and the others who share his view: if all it takes is 1 small banner to keep this program free for home users; more power to it!

Sure beats paying 40 to 70 dollars for a program that probably is not near as good as Avast in the first place!

I’d also like to note that Avast! customer service treats it’s free customers with all the care and respect that it offers it’s paid customers (quick, personal, detailed, email fixes for your issues)…what more could be expected from a free program??

Although you are certainly entitled to your “purist” objections, my personal opinion is that the 1 small non-nagging banner is a non-issue.

A loyal Avast! user, Lori

I completely loathe and detest ads, I really do. But I nonetheless must defend Avast’s right to stick that advert there. Yeah, it annoys me, but is hardly an in your face nag screen that bugs you. You only see it when you open the On Access protection.

For a lot of people upgrading to the pro version is just not an option or it isn’t going to happen. So maybe being able to hide the ad by selecting a check box might be a better idea. Or even better, integrating a ‘news’ and banner window there to make it more functional.

It is irritating when you see it, and I sometimes accidentally click the pesky thing, but then that’s me (I don’t even watch commercial tele or listen to commercial radio with ads because they irritate me so much), but I definitely don’t see Avasts ad as a big problem and I certainly wouldn’t slam Avast for trying to promote their Pro version. I’m grateful for this nice bit of kit.

After switching from AVG to Avast Home I’m a very happy user indeed. I wish I’d switched a long time before.