Comodo cmdagent exe is declared as fake antivirus in ram by avast ram scan

I made a manual scan of the ram.
It must be a coincidence of false positive which declares another security product as a fake antivirus. “win32:fake vimes”. :smiley:

The other point is:
Why do i have to make a manual scan of the ram to find a virus in the ram? (Lets take this false positive as a detection).

A custom scan with scan memory ticked goes alot deeper than the normal memory scanning done in the default scans which is exactly the reason we tell users repeatedly to untick that option.

I would want to get alarmed if a real “fake antivirus” would run in my ram. Without running a manual scan first.
Thats what a guard is for.
Avast took it as “high risk”, but let it run as long as i dont make a scan.

In the case of a real positive, this would be bad!

I hope the false positive gets solved.

As i already mentioned it is solved by unticking scan memory, if a virus was actually found in memory then it would be to late as you’d already be infected.

Another security product should not be declared as a fake antivirus. Whatever setting is set.

Its the suite without an installed classic antivirus function

As stated dont scan memory, increasing sensitivity and changing default settings will always have consequence’s