Comodo creates new tmp file

just upgraded my Comodo firewall and after each reboot is it reporting that Avast wants to create new tmp file.
Before upgrade it was not so. Any infos why it creating it and why Comodi firewall is prompting it now?

This c:\windows\temp_avast_ location is where avast sends files (temp) to be scanned the unp file name prefix indicates unpack (I believe) and the .tmp indicates a temporary file and the remainder is a fixed length numeric value.

This folder and temporary placing files to be scanned has been done for some very considerable time and is perfectly normal. I have been using avast for almost 16 years and as far as I can recall this action has been the same.

When said scans are complete these temp files are removed by avast (so it should be allowed). What has changed in Comodo HIPS (or your settings) I have no idea and really is something that should be asked of Comodo.

This c:\windows\temp\_avast_ location is where avast sends files (temp) to be scanned the unp file name prefix indicates unpack (I believe)
and what file is nsfsp0000***.tmp in the c:\windows\temp\_avast_\ location

As an Avast User not an Avast Team member I have no idea what the temporary file name is, as it is not the same as the original file name.

After successful scanning those temporary files should be removed, currently I have only one file in that location and it isn’t a .tmp file.

If you still have .tmp files remaining, this could be because of the interaction of Comodo that you mentioned before, if it were blocking creation, it could well be blocking deletion of .tmp files after successful scanning.

nsf files are related to WebShield (the letters most likely mean Network Stream Filter or something similar).

The TEMP folder is meant for temporary files to be created, and Avast sure can create a lot of them (e.g. when you scan archives, hundreds and thousands of files may quickly be created there, and quickly removed). The same will be true for many other programs.
So… honestly, I’d suggest to somehow stop that monitoring or reporting… because if you’re gonna investigate each temporary file created on your system, you won’t have much time left to actually use it for anything else :slight_smile:

i just got a HIPS alert that Avast wants to create new file/folder in C\Windows\temp\bcltmp\test\cookies.sqlite-shm, see acreenshot.
What is the connection between Avast Svc and Firefox with this cookies.sqlite-shm file ?!?!?? I am going nuts

TEST is a firefox Profil, which I created years ago and is not default/not active… but what does it have in common with Avast?!?

Periodic Browser Cleanup check I would guess.

ok, i know i should clean my browser, but why Avast interact with an old,inactive Firefox profile ?!?!

I’m really just guessing, I don’t know that code - but maybe it enumerates all the profiles eventually?

and interacts with cookies.sqlite altough in the folder are many other files?!

Who can investigate that behaviour? Developers, technical engeneers? I also asked in the comodo forum and will report , till now no answers there.
Can you give that further to the appropriate person?

Igor, any infos … from tech engeneers?