I don’t having too money and I search good connecting, firewall + antivirus.
I have windows 7.
This is good connecting?
(sorry for my English:) last to put down)
I don’t having too money and I search good connecting, firewall + antivirus.
I have windows 7.
This is good connecting?
(sorry for my English:) last to put down)
I’m using CIS with defence+,AV disabled,with Avast! Home edition.Do the same,you’ll have a light and powerfull combination! (and FREE,of course!!!)
NIce :).
I have the same configurations :D.
When I started to have problems with the installation of Comodo (Eula.txt), the AV installed, I began to fear.
And after what you have defense + off if you have avast?
Instead of comodo(read this : http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=46737.0),
you can get outpost firewall free or online armor free. even pc tools firewall plus is free.(see my signature)
I really like this setup as well! Avast Antivirus + Comodo Firewall rules!
Are you guys disabling Network Shield in Avast when using together with Comodo Firewall?
I don’t use Comodo:
I switched from Comodo to PC Tools several months (or more) back, but with both firewalls I kept the Net Shield active with no problems. In particular, the shield was noting and blocking the occasional Dcomm attack, which for some reason I couldn’t get either firewall to block properly. So think of the shield as in effect a backup firewall.
[Edit, an afterthought] Come to think of it, I haven’t seen any DComm warnings from the net shield since switching to PC Tools, so maybe the latter is actually catching those properly even before avast “sees” them.
interesting question: no, I leave it on because the avast network shield seems to be faster than Comodo at intercepting threats occurring when browsing the web…had one or two aborted connections (in avast 4) operated by the network shield (and not the webshield…)…can’t tell how CIS would have reacted if the network shield wasn’t there…I admit I underestimated the Network Shield so far and I was wrong
edit: I think that happened when someone here gave a link, complaining that avast wouldn’t detect te malware there; I tried the link and network shield killed the connection.