Comodo Firewall & Def with Avast AV

Hello! Anybody ever used not just Comodo Firewall with Avast AV but also Comodo Def with Avast AV without any problems? What do you need to switch off to make it work?

So I want to use Comodo Firewall with Comodo Def and Avast AV?

  1. Many do. :wink: (Guess you’re talking about D+.)
  2. Usually nothing.

Comodo firewall with defence+ is a excellent second line of defence if configured correctly…

Ask me any time if u need help with configuration… :wink:

rock solid hard protection with that… and no problems… since you have problems… perhaps you may wanna try to mess lesser with the settings… set it wrongly and your screwed


Go over to COMODO and have a look around on Defense + issues re Avast! conflicts.

Is this what you are looking for?;msg386783#msg386783

Was a workaround re getting COMODO to not scan Avast! real-time protection modules, and vice-versa. This was posted at COMODO around Feb-March of last year. Maybe that will help?

EDIT: See here:

I find that the latest version of versions of comodo do not cause any interference with sf.bin file or any part of avast…seriously! i have seen Sf.bin running in the task manager without any interference from comodo…

Thank you very much for all your help :slight_smile:


Me again LOL! ;D

You know that Avast has sandbox so is Comodo Def? Do I need to disable one of them?

Also will Avast Script and Behavior shield will have a conflict with Comodo say if I get infected? Who will act first and block if need to? Or both? No way to know unless I do… Any ideas?

Yes, Please do so. Choose only one.

Why ?

Behavior: Comodo
Script: Avast!

Make sure you turn off Comodo Sandbox if you’re going to used Avast Autosandbox otherwise having both running can cause conflicting :wink:

Thank you guys… I use only one sandbox now and I got rid of Behavior shield in Avast in case it might conflict with Comodo Def. But I left Script shield with others. Perfect :slight_smile: 8)


Why disable behavior shield in Avast! ?

As you can see in Asyn, Mchain, True Indian and my sig all use Comodo and I know Speedy used to also. No conflicts have been reported yet. Now there is a discussion if Avast! behavior shield is really doing his job or not, and that is another matter completely different. Just set it in " Ask " for more control and chaty, or leave it in " Auto-decide " for a more silent Shield.


Why? Not only here I asked such Q… I asked it in Comodo forums as well… They gave me a link saying if you are going to use Comodo Def it’s best to get rid of other programs which use behavior shields as Comodo Def has it and might conflict… I bet my money also if I leave Avast behavior shield and Comodo Def they will go for the same alert or infection and it will create a problem…

If you want to deactivate or disable Avast! Behavior Shield, go ahead. It is your choice.

Now. If you go by Mouse1 post in Comodo forum, he is naming the programs with known problems when used with D+. Avast Behavior Shield is not mentioned there because there has not been a reported conflict between them, and yes, there could be a potencial conflict; However, I have no read anything on Comodo forums about D+ and Avast! B/S, or I have seen in my rig two alerts at the same time or in thier logs. The alerts come fron different processes behavior.;msg461523#msg461523

A post that you might have missed in Comodo forum on how to set CIS 5.9 ( FW/D+) and Avast! 6 can be found here:;msg565788#msg565788

I have set both my programs to those settings.

I have ran CFW/D+ and Avast! together for almost 5 years now, and in the last year or so the alerts given by Avast Behavior Shield are totally diferent as the Alerts D+ had given me, and I have Avast! set to " Ask " and D+ in " Paranoid Mode ". The only problem for me was when I updated Avast! 4.8 to Avast! 5 and Comodo 3.14 or 4 was constantly alerting me of all the .dll files Avast setup was changing during the updates, and that was 2 years and one month ago to be exact. I implemented some changes and then Avast! and Comodo worked things out, and no more problems since then.


In that case you would know better :slight_smile: Thank you very much for your help :slight_smile: I will activate behavior shield again :slight_smile:

It a very bad idea to disable behavior shield in Avast because this is a very powerful tool to have, otherwise a virus can easily sneak into you’re PC without you’re permission.

Thank you :smiley: