Why not use the forum search function and look at the many previous posts on this forum about Comodo.
If it works for you, it’s a pro… if it doesn’t like in my case, it’s a con.
Yes, install Comodo3, it’s free. Dowmnload the setup. Uninstall Comodo 2.4. Disconnect internet and reboot. Install Comodo 3. Reboot, follow the procedure Defense+ is an HIPS that will get on your nerves at first but it’s a necessary defence as it is learning the system as it is. Answer correctly. Comodo has its own forum. :o
I’m actually using Comodo 2.4 (on XP) but the highest version number I can locate is, so I don’t know where you got that version from. (Interested.)
The “D+” in version 3 is a full-blown HIPS. It will popup quite a few prompts to do with internal computer processes at first. These can be a bit confusing.
Personally I’m fairly happy with version 2, (used in conjunction with Avast and Threatfire, so I don’t need the HIPS so much.)
Comodo 2.4 is for WIN 2000! I use Comodo 3 FW on both my VISTA and XP SP3 machines and it works well with DEFENSE + ON (putting it OFF is like putting a tank in combat without the shells). I’m sure you’ll get to be used to it for security purposes but if you like it easy install it with Defense+ OFF. You can download the latest Comodo 3 FW final version from here: http://www.personalfirewall.comodo.com/download_firewall.html
Happy surf fellow AVAST user 8)
Yes, I forgot to tell I use ThreatFire. No, it doesn’t give me any sort of problem as ST’s was giving me when its HIPS was ON. Comodo3 FW and ThreatFire go well along on my PC.
ThreatFire is more like an AV, Comodo3 FW Defense+ is not but more like an HIPS.
There a thread on Wilder’s forum that may be of interesthttp://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=218975 :-X
No, it isn’t too slow. Actually, I just had kind of a “malware attack” with no malware on when I tried to Adaware scan on SafeMode by putting Returnil OFF without a complete reboot. Things get complicated with all these security softwares and I wonder if it’s worth the p*** in the a**! :o
You’re right!
I took Adaware 2008 OFF
It’s no use to have so much ON DEMAND SCANNERS when you only run them once and a while (I always do thorough scans because for me Quick Scans are incomplete!!!). 8)