
i want to know if comodo or zone alarm is best fit for avast home

Comodo looks OK to me. ZA could be OK all the same, not much difference after all! :wink:

My only comment on Comodo is that the latest version (3) has almost nothing in common with previous versions except the name. 3 is definitely not for the beginner.

Online Armor’s Firewall (version Free) does a great job and works nicely with avast! antivirus. I use it and find it much better than ZoneAlarm like I used in the past.

Ron - W3FSY

ZoneAlarm is a much better choice than Comodo!

Online Armor’s Firewall froze up my computer, fortunately I was able to do a system restore. Some others weren’t so lucky.

Some don’t have any problem with Online Armor’s Firewall.

Play it safe with ZA’s fw. :wink:

A simple forum search will reveal many lengthy posts on this subject

Another vote for Online Armor Free. I use OA Personal and it runs very well with Avast Home. Also the OA Forums like this one, is very helpful and full of knowledge.

A question: do you have Vista installed on your PC?
With XP, it would be very unusual for OA to freeze or otherwise damage the system.
The version for Vista however is not ready yet and installing OA on it would do exactly what you experienced.

ZA is not recommended by Matousec’s team and I would certainly not undervaluate their findings.

I also use Avast 4.8 (always the most actual version:) ) and Comodo 3 on a 64bit system and I haven’t got any problems…

I didn’t change any settings…

I ran Comodo Firewall on my Desktop and Zone Alarm on my laptop, which I use more often than the desktop. Recently I removed Comodo Firewall as it is a hectic piece of software - windows often popping up, requiring input. Zone Alarm is far more relaxed and is acknowledged in the software industry as a firewall of note. It has caught a Trojan on two occasions attempting to connect to the internet from my desktop.

Another option is to load Comodo and see how you like it - but I’m sure you’ve already considered this option.

Personally if they are talking of ZA Free (not Pro) the software industry should be shot for acknowledging it as a firewall of note.

It used to be a really good firewall and its user friendly interface was why (the lack of frenetic pop-ups). But with the later versions it has become more bloated and is also crippled as far as outbound protection goes (In the Program Control, configuration area, the slider will only goes as far as Medium protection). This in the hope I’m sure of getting you to buy the pro version.

So less pop-ups isn’t a sign of a better firewall, check out this firewall test results and it doesn’t even feature ZA free and the AZ Pro doesn’t do too well in the tests. See

As much as I like ZA, I have to agree with David’s above post. After ZA Labs was bought out, the software became bloated and less effective … even in the free version. Having said that, I will also state that I still use ZA but it is an older version before it became bloated with crap. A firewall is suppose to do only one thing … protect your computers ports both inbound and outbound. Anything other than that and it is no longer just a firewall but instead is bloatware.

I’m using PC Tools Firewall Plus.

I'm using PC Tools Firewall Plus.
same here on two computers with no problems what-so-ever....

I’m interested in PC Tools Firewall, but concerned that it rated poorly on the matousec tests. But I don’t really know much about firewalls and what is important to consider.

Do others think this is an important issue or not?

About the leak tests limitations:

same here on two computers with no problems what-so-ever....

do you mean no problem for the trojans or no problem for you?

If you check the Pro version, “High” in program control says the same in “Medium”, so there is no real difference in ZA free for program control.

I have ZA free on one computer & ZoneAlarm Antispyware (includes the Pro FW) on the other. I have about six months left on the free “patch Tuesday” special. :slight_smile: I don’t feel any less secure with ZA free.

My computers haven’t been compromised. What else can I say?

I’m happy with ZA free. :slight_smile: