Comodo Time Machine: warning thread!

Never been tempted to even try it. So for those who would be, be aware:;msg351616#msg351616

this seems to be confirmed by several users. One last thing, CIS 4 (beta to be released soon) will be able to work in conjunction with CTM if installed. If not then it will work somehow with Windows Restore Points. My advice for potential testers, forget CTM ;D

Hi, seems you have to be a member to read that link given.
I trial-ed an earlier beta version some time ago and found it to work rather well. For me anyway. :slight_smile: JMO ctm worked just as well at that time as
my eaz-fix and rollback rx programs (of which ctm is a variant of).
Maybe all the changes comodo is making to the program isn’t for the better.I’m sure results can vary. :slight_smile:

I’m registered there yes (I knew someone here would notice this was required to access the beta section ;D) , and I still don’t consider myself a member of this community…just browsing off and on ::slight_smile:

edit: Comodo doesn’t have the required competences to cover many software fields…browser, rollback stuff etc…they should stick to what they’re good at. But I guess they’ll never know that :smiley:

You get what you pay for.

You get what you pay for

;D :smiley: 8) :o ???

Thanks for the link, Logos. Beta users are (or should be) aware of the dangers of using unfinished products.

But in this case, it appears to be the type of program rather than the program itself. It’s a given that rollback/restore programs have never been 100% effective and should only be used in emergency situations. This matter was then complicated by running chkdisk after restoring a snapshot from a corrupted system.

Motto: Use imaging software backups for system restores. I use a branded version of Acronis called MaxBlast5 (freeware to Seagate/Maxtor drive owners), which works well. :slight_smile:

Here we go again, Beta[s] are for Pros…not for everyone to try on^^


agreed, adding that this type of program is also very specific, and I can’t see a second Comodo becoming a serious competitor for Acronis for instance, these guys are freaking dreaming ::slight_smile:

First of all let me say I’m not a comodo fanboy :slight_smile: but give credit where credit is due.
CTM is final now and I’ve installed it again.
This program works exactly the same as rollback rx & eaz fix which I paid $$ for, but is free.(No toolbars or anything during install)
JMO I say well done to comodo, but as I said earlier in this thread results can vary.
This type of program is perfect for trialing different programs (just reboot to a previous snapshot if things didn’t workout).
Just an example: See screenshot, I have 3 antivirus programs installed on C drive. :slight_smile:

yeah…after I saw it was final now a bit earlier, I was thinking about giving it a shot. I just fear data corruption…I might try it after a complete backup, later.