Compatability between SBS Server and Pro standalones

Hello. We have an end-user client who has already installed Avast Pro v.4.8 on about 40 workstations. They’ve now decided that they’d like to add Avast protection to their server as well. Would the independent SBS Server product (NOT the suite), work with the Pro already on the workstations? Or would they have to abandon the Pro versions they’ve installed and just start over with the SBS Suite? From the description of the Suite, it appears to simply be a combination of the independent server module, plus the Pro workstations and the ADNM. However, I know that the sequence of installation might make a difference. Thanks!

i guess you are mixing version up and together i guess:

  1. pro version (stand alone)
  2. net client (adnm)
  3. net server (adnm)

any pro version installed works standalone and doesnt have to report to the local adnm since its not there, it will get the updates from internet directly

if you install a server version on the server then the pro clients will work just fine but all are still not managed with ADNM…

if you plan to install ADNM then you have to upgrade (simply install the net client via the console over the pro client) the pro client to the net client and look into the sbs version of the adnm managed version…

if something here is wrong Scythe will correct me i guess, he has experience with SBS

ps: which SBS version is used?

It should be okay. I read in the FAQ that you don’t have to un-install the stand alone version but you just push the install to the clients from ADNM and it takes care of the rest.

See Here:,56,58

indeed thats what i meant with

(simply install the net client via the console over the pro client)