Compatability with Zemana Keylogger

Good Evening ! Anyone at the forum using Avast I.S.Suite 6 and Zemana Keylogger ? And if so are there any compatability issues with the two ? Sincerely…Zron

Most probably you need to add ZK to the avast exclusion list.
Why are you using a keylogger? Parental control?

Zemana should work okay with avast.

@tech: the right app’s name is Zemana Anti-Keylogger :slight_smile:

I have been using Avast IS v6 and Zemana Anti-Keylogger v1.9.2.510 together for months now and never hat any problems between the two. :smiley:

Stupid me :-[

Good Morning ! Thanks for everyone’s prompt and informative responses. Morro41…do I have to add Zemana to Avast’s exclusion list? If so where in Avast would it be implemented ? Sincerely…Zron

Personally i never hat to exclude Zemana in Avast. :smiley:

Good Morning ! Thanks Morro41…I reinstalled Zemana and everything seems to be in harmony. Once again many thanks for your response…have a good day.Sincerely…Zron

Glad i could help, and a good day to you to zron. :smiley: