It seems that some antivirus programs are incompatible with each other. I have not yet downloaded Avast, because I do not have the information that it can operate compatibly with Norton Antivirus, which is now running on my machine. I have had the experience that McAfee and Norton are incompatible.
Well, running two or more antivirus programs at the same time is very dangerous ( a lot of problems may appear, even system crash ).
If you search the forum you’ll find a lot of info about that, so the answer is NO, they are not compatible
Norton I would say is one of the least compatible of any resident AV, it get so embedded into the system that even after an uninstall some registry entries, etc. remain and can cause issues even after it is uninstalled. There are many threads in these forums to testify to this.
As XMAS states two resident AVs on the same system not matter which isn’t advised.
If you are going to uninstall NAV and install avast! let us know in advance and we can give you some pointers.