compter running slowly

hello to all , the irish computer disaster here again !!!

I have recently purchased a toshiba satellite pro L500-1W2 with windows 7 installed but downgraded to xp pro using a disc that was provided with the laptop I have avast 5 pro , mwab pro and tune up utilities running , but the laptop is running real slow .example to open hotmail I have to wait possibly 90 seconds and this is the same with google searches or to access favourite websites .I thought to ask you guys before bringing back the laptop which is still under warranty .

Any ideas anyone

as ususal thank you in advance


  1. What ever made you downgrade from Windows 7 ???
  2. Tuneup Utilities can sometimes do more harm than good.
    I suggest you go back to Windows 7 and stop using Tune up Utilities.

Hi Paul,

First question that must be asked, did the laptop ever run well and then slow down or has it always been slow?

Assuming that it was running well and has now slowed down, there are 3 main things that affect the speed of a computer: Memory, Processor and Disk. Open up the task manager and take a look at the performance tab - is either the processor or the memory maxed out, and if so, which?

Change to the Processes tab and click on the head of the CPU or Mem Usage columns to find out which process is hogging the resources, that will give you a good starting point :slight_smile:

Yeah, use the CPU/Mem Usage Manager. But still remember that Windows 7 is a modern OS and will be probably better than the older XP on your machine.

I have uninstalled tune up utilities and I will see if things improve .To answer your question bob3160 I like windows xp and I just felt safe using it , but after some research I think that I should install windows 7

could you are any body out there recommend a good site that could explain the do’s and don’t while using windows 7 .

thaks all


ok I checked under task manager I noticed Process inactive 99 28 ko if this means anything to you guys let me know


The following should keep you busy for a while:

You’ll find many more helpful things at:

Enjoy. :slight_smile:

I have disabled some useless services in my XP


Help & Support - I am not sure, why I need it, I have Google for extreme cases

Human Interface Device - I don’t use hot buttons on Keyboards

Print Spooler - I don’t print anything on XP

Security Center - I know if my Avast or Firewall stops, I don’t need Microsoft telling me

SSDP Service - I don’t want to find any Upnp devices

Telnet - Stupid thing people use to hack by scanning open ports

Windows Image Accusation - I have no webcam or scanner connected to XP

Windows Time - I set my own time,I never found it wrong except a few seconds after 1 year

etc etc

This can guide you

Thank you all

your collective advice as usual was much appreciated .Since I disabled tune up utilities my laptop speed has increased but I think a move to windows 7 is called for



You obviously never tried Windows 7, it’s the worst OS ever!

I hate it.

Fortunately, my desktop has XP on it :), it’s the one I spend most of my computer time on.

XP is the best OS ever! 8)

My laptop is the one with 7. I only have to put up with it if I need to take it with me,

otherwise I occasionally start it up just to keep it updated.

… what’s wrong with Seven? …just curious…

Yes if you install Windows 7 your computer will explode in a big ball of smoke and flame. Don’t ever use it, it is the worst OS ever. You even have to learn how to use it, i mean wtf is up with that ? They changed the GUI and now i am supposed to learn everything anew ??! They even went ahead and put in a load of new security features like UAC which is just bloody annoying, never mind that i can turn it off, i still hate it. And they even made it faster, why would they want to do that ??! How do MS live with themselves after releasing such a rubbish OS ? ::slight_smile:

My Windows 7 system is MUCH faster than my XP Pro system!

I use both systems and I prefer Windows 7.

I don’t want to become like what happened to the Dinosaurs. ;D

I’ve been a beta tester since I can’t remember when.
Windows 7 is the best OS Microsoft has produced up till now.

Unlike you, I like to keep up to date and at this point, XP is no longer the way to go.
If you enjoy it and aren’t willing to learn or utilize the improvements built into Windows 7 then by all means,
remain with XP. It’s your system and your right but please don’t try to talk someone else into going backwards.


I wasn’t trying to talk someone else into going backwards, I was agreeing with pmal67 for doing so.

However, I believe going from 7 to XP is going forward. It’s a shame that 7 isn’t a better OS than XP.

I like to keep up to date, that’s why I requested my free upgrade to 7, it turned out to be a booby prize. :cry:


It isn’t within my power to make MS make a better OS than XP, maybe they will listen to you…


My Windows 7 is much faster than my XP, but that’s due to the hardware, dual processors, to being a 64bit OS & more RAM.

But due to XP being a better OS I hardly notice. :slight_smile:

Rubbish :o


As rdmaloyjr is standing on a pile of rubish its hard to see goodness and likes to stay with the old stuff as learning new things requires learning. :wink:

Hello all , things certainly seem to be hotting up !!!
I agree with you all !! yes as an Irishman that is possible !!! why I hear you all collectively ask well here goes ,

  1. xp pro for me is easy to use i.e. to fix problems that may occur yourself it is user friendly which is why I bought a laptop that could be downgraded.
  2. windows 7 is not easy for the novice certainly not for the first time user to get to grips with .

Your replies were all interesting to read and thanks again for your valuable time and I think that you will all have to agree to disagree
