computer cashing this is the question I could not bring up in the other post

Hi Tarq -

To be sure there is nothing wrong with taking the cheap route first. I have no experience with SAS and if there are some limited problems with it, you would know that better than me.

The video card could be the problem as you mentioned but the power supply giving incorrect voltage is a remote possiblity. Then again, something as simple as overheating due to clogged vents could be the problem but it seems from Sharon’s posts that those should be relatively clean.

Hopefully, we can get to the bottom of this problem soon.

can you tell my post’s are inproveing CharleyO and Tarq
thanks again sham1313 {Sharon}

I guess I really don’t need to reply here Bit I wanted to thank you again for helping me and wanted to see of I can figure out if I did right by answer to each one as I did.
Thanks Sharon :slight_smile:

I had one last e-mail and I am not sure if I should reply to when some els is talking to some els here other them me if I should repond there to not.
thanks Sharon

I think I might have mess up how I did the quoe in my other thread I have that kind of goes along with this one. so I am just going to reply here this way only with this post till the noise either get real loud again or I get a wierd screen.

the sound I have told you about that come from the computer was makeing a mmmmm sound very lightly. it was doing the sound last night and it is doing it now. sence I have been up it will get a little bit lounder and then a tad lower again. when mike hear that he just say’s that is the fan. the computer some times you do not hear that sound or any think at all. I think that sound has been on all night. if it get louder and and or get a wierd screen or a reply then I will be back.
thanks Sharon

The sound you are hearing is most likely the fan - more noise when the fan speeds up for more cooling when required. If the fan is making more noise when the screen problems happen, then most likely something is overheating.

Well, you are using Vista right?

So let us eliminate the issue of software base problem.

Sharon, the next time you open up the computer, Just power it up and don’t open any programs (nothing)
Next click in order, and hold down this specific sequence of keys on your Keyboard:

                                                     Ctrl  Alt   Delete

When you see a screen (very lovely background color) appear. At this point let go of the keys. The screen will contain a list with five options:

                                                   -> Lock this computer
                                                   -> Switch User
                                                   -> Log off
                                                   -> Change a password
                                                   -> Open Task Manager

Move the mouse pointer and click on: → Open Task Manager

The screen will disappear and you will see your desktop plus a window with the Heading:

                                               Windows Task Manager

This window has multiple tabs. We are interested to see the tab marked:


Now look for something called CPU usage in this window. Mark down the percentage. (It’s oscillating so just pick a moment and write down the value in percent) Do this every 10 min or so, until the computer starts making that mmmmmmm sound you described. Observe what hapens to the CPU Usage when you hear the fan louder. Does it go up? Is it constant?

Post back with questions and observations :slight_smile:

others posts of came in sense I started this but I want sent in as it is

       I am pertty sure I have learn a lot from all that has help me and I thank you very much....the people here  have gave me a lot to be able to fix the computer problems that I am having.. one is that it is over heating and  I do too.   that is why the computer is crashing so much, but the 2 times the screen went blue I think had to do with conflick from  antisuperspyware. my malware and spyblaster found nothing, but the antisuperspyware found File threats detected  but only in the cookies. I need to make sure I say this the right way  I notice that after it was rebooted it did not delete all the files and would fine more when I did another scan right after I did the 1st one...  { the word conflick is missed spelled and I don't think doing the spelling check is going to do any good}

  till I have a chance to get the right type of cooling pad I have made sure that every thing is a certain distance away from the computer all way around it. I have it up off the computer desk with small block under it and I make sure they stay in a certain place and not covering the air vents. Mike take care of all loose wires and stuff like that and most of the rest is left up to me. Mike also does almost all of the computer clean making sure dust dones not build up any where.

    I have also found two tiny fans. at times before I found the fans. some times I would hear that one kind of sound again  it nerve got real bad and I have not had any more weird screen of any kind. it is very sensitive fan. I had a paper towel by it once and herd that sound.  the only thing close was a  paper towell. I have the little fans a few inches away from the vents. when the fans are it sound great. if there left off and I am doing some on the computer. I hear that sound starting but very lightly. if I am not doing any thing on the computer and the fans our off there is no bad sound at all.
   I have a couple of can's of air on a list the next time Mike goes to the store. 

with Mike handling certain things on the computer and me on the rest I think the computer has a good chance of being fixed and staying fixed. thanks from all of you even the ones that got upset with me.
thanks Sharon

                  I put this post on the other thred I have because of the part of the blue screen.

       I am pertty sure I have learn a lot from all that has help me and I thank you very much....the people here  have gave me a lot to be able to fix the computer problems that I am having.. one is that some thing it is over heating and   I do too.   that is why the computer is crashing so much, but the 2 times the scheen went blue I think had to do with conflick from  antisuperspyware. my malware and spyblaster found nothing, but the antisuperspyware found File threats detected  but only in the cookies. I need to make sure I say this the right way  I notice that after it was rebooted it did not delete all the files and would fine more when I did another scan right after I did the 1st one...  { the word conflick is missed spelled and I don't think doing the spelling check is going to do any good}

  til I have a chance to get the right type of cooling pad I have made sure that every thing is a certain distance away from the computer all way around it. I have it up off the computer desk with small block under it and  Imake sure they stay in a certain place and not covering the air vent. Mike take care of all loose wires and stuff like that and most of the rest is left up to me. Mike also does almost all of the computer clean making sure dust done not bulid up any where.

    I have also found two tiny fans. at times before I found the fans. some times i would hear that one kind of sound again  it nerve got real bad and I have not had any more wierd scheen of any kind. it is very senitive fan. i had a paper towel by it once and herd that sound.  the only close was a  paper towell. I have the little fans a few inches away from the vents. when the fans are it sound great. if there left off and I am doing some on the computer. I hear that sound starting but very lightly. if I am not doing any thing on the computer and the fans our off there iis no bad sound at all. I think I have a liitle more to say about this but my mind just went black.
   I have a cupple of can's of air on a list the next time Mike goes to the store. he is going to pick some up.

    I have a file that has tips to fine out how to fix certain things on the computer.  I have a file started to put words I can't spell and more file for other things, other things being like how to refer to doing a probe post. I have a lot of reading to do on the sites every one has sent me help me.

     with Mike handeling certains things on the computer and me  on the rest I think the computer has  a good chance of being fixed and  staying fixed.
  it to me on and off all day to just do the last post I just sent. and O well feel pertty bad if that post is still not done proberlly. on this post I am going to have read it many times and make sure I understand it.

I just reread and I have had task manager up before when I had to click on control alt delete because of a program not responding. I won’t be on much longer now. I thank all of you for helping me.
thanks a lot Sharon
some of this wierd screen started happing a long time. I had tried to fix but I did not know how to do a prober post if my last post is ok then I well have takin a big step forward.

                        now about this post it is going to take  many times of reading and studing  on each step of what you say to do. at the beging of the wierd schreen when I got the 1st 2 and they were blue. the sound some times was very bad and was not making a light mmmmm sound . there was 2 ways I decribe the sound 1 was like it was running to fast the other was it was to trying to hard to do some thing
       I did one mistake earlier I thought I did one post here but I  sent it to Confused Computer User personal. I thought I had saved it.  I got a reply back saying I should have posted witch I thought I did. sense I do not have a copy of it if Confused Computer user I hope will  post it here for me please. then you can put it with this information.

      CPU 18   29% then the  next 10 min was 63 and 43 then 41  65 last one was last 2 times was a very little  mmmm

in the one. the one I did earlier when I goofed trying because when I turn it windows update and avast started update. after I did it I remember you were to do it right after the computer started that is why I did it again and those I think were in a difference range with the numbers then these are. I remember there was a more of a minimum then than this time. I think in the morning I well try it again. because when I did here themmmmm after I can’t recall what there was a mmmm then and I did not write that one down.

I have the computer on block for me to reach it better also because no soft carpit to put under it there are times that the little blocks has block a bit of the vent and made that nose as soon as a totes it and move the block it take a few for it do be quite ER, or the weird screen that it was getting I have not received. just from time to time here that sound some time very lately and other times a bit more. but not real loud like it has been some times. there are version tracker, windows live message and Java all come on start up and i did not bring
thanks Sharon I hope i did this right


the last private message you sent me was:

it took me a while to see CPU down on the bottom and it was going pertty fast I know you said pick a time to write it down. do you just want the 1st one I see then 10 min later do again. when I started to do this I wind up have to restart 3 because avast and windows was wanting to update at the same time. and it was doing that sound right then.

then Java seem to start on its own witch I did not set it to do that. also windows live message witch I cannot figure out how to get rid of that. that is a different problem. also that versiontracker start up when computer comes on don’t know if that makes a different I will be off the computer for a while I will check to see if I have a reply and then I will try this again
thanks sham1313

My reply was brief and unfortunately I did not save it so no go at posting that here.
Regardless, let’s look at your latest post.

Ok so I take it that the computer did not make the load mmmmm noise followed by the screen changing colors.

The reason why I inquire is to insure that the noise the fan is making is due to physical problem or to a software issue.
Now if the fan is making that load mmmmmm noise and the CPU is at 63% then the problem is because of the software (at which point there might be a way to fix it). However if the computer makes the load mmmmm noise and the CPU is at 18% then the problem has to do with the hard ware which would require more technical help.
But before we get to that let’s make sure that it’s not due to software.

Is your computer still having the problems you talked about in this thread: load noise, weird screen?

I need to try and do this quick because shortly after I posted andwas doing my mail the screen went black and I had to push and hold down the key for about a min then it went off I left it off 20 min an try to get it on and the black screen came back with a tint of blue in a certain pattern. I turn off left it off for a half hour. I tried it again andthe
little blue light that in a line where the on andoff key is. the little blue light that are in line with the on off key. would blink on and off like it was trying to shut off an back on. I did not know what to. I thought just turning it off
and the bluelight I have told you about when they were blinking before this i had mike take the battery out after it was unplug then then put back in after awhile i can’t recall in what order all of this was going on.

. all kinds of things like this was happen. I almost got it in to safemode but after it started loading the drivers it went to the weird screen. this last time I did it when the blinking blue light were blinking like it was trying to start an then off. I could tell by the sound… from the second two the last post I was not having any more weird screen till tonight from way back at the beginning doing blue screen and later different kins of patterns and now what it has done tonight

for a while if I was turning it off at night and on in the morning and may off one or two times being off for awhile then back on I was not having much trouble just the sound I have told you. I have tried a few times to finish saying for some reason it was was sounding off an on noise an the blinking blue light I started hitting ctr alt delete after I did that for a few min the blinking blue light stay on and it was just a black screen. for 30 min it stayed like that and now I am on an to this point. they were so many different things going on. I hoping this makes some sense to you. I am going to try and proof read it checking the spelling before sending, an pray and hope some of this makes sense.
thanks a bunch and I well tried my best to do this right. sham1313
I know there are a few mistake but I think you can understand it and wanting to get this sent Thank you again

Some quick questions.
(Quick, yes/no answers appreciated ;))

-Did you take the case apart yet to check for dust inside?

-Did you check the video card?

This is starting to sound more and more like a hardware problem, I’m afraid.


I think it is more of a problem like PEBKAC r

lol. That’s not nice.

Sometimes attempts at humour are appropriate. Especially if they lead to something helpful.
This one isn’t.

clean some run out of the can air before he got done. trying to collect change to get it toay Sharon

what does this mean PEBKAC