Computer doesn't boot due to ASWRVRT.sys

Hello everyone,

I’ve just done an upgrade of Avast 7. I Thought it will say me “There is a new version” but no, an newer Avast 7 has been installed and now the computer give me a BSOD on every mode (normal, safe and last good)
I first tried to rename aswrvrt.sys to aswrvrt.old as seen on malekal forum but it stucks on another driver (aswvmm.sys). I’ve read a bit about the problem, usualy the user are asked to do a scan with FRST, here is mine attached !

I’m running Win Vista 32bits

Thanks for your help

You appear to have some corrupted Avast files so you will need to run aswclear and then reinstall a fresh version on completion of this

Download the attached fixlist.txt to the same location as FRST
Run FRST as before and press fix
On completion reboot to normal windows

I’ve just done it, reboot to normal windows and BSOD.
Tried safe mode but stuck on crcdisk.sys than dark screen and then BSOD
I tried to uninstall avast with the aswclear tool but nothing changed
Any idea ?

From the recovery console are you able to restore the computer to an earlier time

The recovery to an earlier time seems not gone through the whole process (black screen just after it launched the recovery)
I waited 10 minutes, nothing more and HDD no more running. I switech the power supply off and then relaunched in normal mode, the computer is now working ! Very slow but working !
Thnaks for your help

If you wish I can see if there are any obvious problems

That’s ok, the computer is working like before, thnaks !

No problem :slight_smile: