Computer freezes when trying to uninstall INKSCAPE while Avast is running

I am using Avaat free 6.0.100 on a Win XP SP3 machine.

When trying to uninstall “Inkscape” strange things happens: first AV asks to run this in the Autosandbox - which I decline and put this into the exception list.

However, the uninstall progress freezes then the computer - I can only do a hard reset. Obly deactivating the Autosandbox does not help - same thing. Deactivating Avast totally - and everything works fine.

Thereare no entries in Avast logs that something has been blocked (but this may be as the computer freezes and I have to do a hard reset, so the freezing may cause also that no entry is created.

A bug - or something wrong on my machine only?

When I had a problem with freezing on my XP Pro system I updated my PROFILE and placed my system information in my signature and with great support from avast! I received prompt support.

Please read:
How to invoke memory dump creation?

Just to mention that things work well again now since installing the pre-release of Avast 6.0.1044…

Good. 8)