Computer History Museum Photo Gallery

[b]Computer History Museum Photo Gallery: weird, fascinating photos including a giant Cray, and a 60Kg hard drive [/b] - [Aug 25, 2009] Zara Baxter toured the Computer History Museum in California, and took these fascinating photos, including a giant 27Kg hard drive, a Star Trek-like SAGE Air defence system, and other intriguing artifacts,computer-history-museum-photo-gallery-weird-fascinating-photos-including-a-giant-cray-and-a-60kg-hard-drive.aspx/1

I worked on these beauties:

Thanks YoKenny, If your interested, The Labrats took a tour of the one in Brantford, Ontario.

Thanks for the links, Yokenny & Marc. :slight_smile:

Those links led me on a 2-hour trip down memory lane.