Computer Locking (hanging) solved

If I recall correctly I can remember some complaints regarding PC’s hanging (locking up) while browsing the Internet. I have logged on this forum that I myself have had the problem which had been going on long before I installed Avast so I knew it wasn’t an Avast problem.

After installing, last month, two Microsoft Security updates and a third update which addresses a problem with “IE not responding” for WIN98 & ME machines I have not had any further computer locks. What I used to get were intermittent times when the computer would lock up for anywhere from 10 seconds to as much as a minute or so.

I cannot say which one of the MS updates (if any) have solved the problem I was having but it would appear that one of the updates may have fixed the problem.

The three updates that I installed were the following:
Security Update for DirectX9 (KB904706)
Cumulative Security Update for IE6SP1 (KB896688)
Internet Explorer Navigation Sound Update (WIN98 & ME only)

This last update which is exclusively for WIN98/ME machines is to address the issue where the “Internet Explorer can stop responding while you are moving through pages in Internet Explorer. This error might be caused by the software that decompresses the audio data in the audio file (start.wav) that is played when you are exploring in Internet Explorer.” This update resolves the issue by using sound files with uncompressed audio data. I am not so sure that this was my problem however since I would not lock up when sound was played, so the problem could have been solved with either of the two other Security Updates. Since I use WIN98 the “sound” Update could have had more to it which addressed my problem, but as I said I cannot rule out either of the first two updates as well since MS will often have fixes bundled in their Security Updates based on past experience.

I have waited over two weeks to make sure that my problem has actually gone away and now that it has been probably long enough to be assured that I no longer have the issue I thought I’d log this info on the forum.