Computer running slower...


One of my customers has problem with Avast! since the last windows update.

When he is on Cubus or Autocad 2004-2005, and when he loads files from a server (by network) it is very slow.
When he disable Avast! it goes really faster.

What’s the problem ? Windows update, Avast! compatibility, or any other ?


Since it happened after a Windows update, I would say the update has a problem.
But this won’t help you much ofcourse :slight_smile:

A workaround can be adding the 2 application folders to the exclusion list.

To solve it (or at least trying to) we have to know what provider is causing this.
Let him disable one provider at a time to find out which one is causing the slowdown.
Also check Avast’s log file for any errors or problems.

Meloman, other possibility is disabling the scanning of a specific type of files that you know are clean and non-infectable.
There are two exclusions lists on avast (on-access and on-demand).

I’ll try, Thanks a lot…

Do you think, if I add the 2 application folders to the exclusion list, it will make effect to the files too ? Even if the files opened with the programs are not in these folders ?

The exclusion list disables scanning of the listed files, not files being opened by the listed applications…